Product First Programmer

Zach Lioyd: Code-first vs. Product-first


I call this my rule of good code:
If the product doesn’t work well, the code is not good.

抛开产品看技术栈,technical debt。都是没用的。

搞这么多,产品功能没有完成 or 上线的太慢,代码写得再好也没有用。

“Did the feature work well?” and “Did you build it quickly?”

“That’s what matters to me”

因为根据他的经验看来,这两件事回答是 Yes 也通常意味着 code was actually pretty good, because good product usually implies good code.

他认为 Product First Programmer 在代码能力上也不会弱于 Code First Programer。

The best programmers I know are product-first, but actually have more coding knowledge than the coding-first programmers.

PFP 会在技术栈,coding 上做出最合适的选择。

Choices and tradeoffs are what becoming a great programmer is all about, and the ultimate feedback mechanism is how well the product works.
